CBD Keywords & Terminology
Whether you’re an absolute beginner about to have your first CBD oil, or you’re a cannabis veteran, it seems like the glossary list for the industry is never ending.
The long line of cannabinoids you need to learn, the various terpenes and then the industry terms that float around can leave you scratching your head, so we’ve collated all the terms you might come across and provided you with a short description.
2-AG (2-arachidonoylglycerol)
Is an endocannabinoid, an endogenous agonist of the CB1 receptor and the primary endogenous ligand for the CB2 receptor abundant in the central nervous system
The metabolite produced by the liver metabolism of THC
Aeroponics is a cultivation method which doesn’t use soil. Instead, this indoor gardening practice utilises mist and air, with the roots suspended.
This means they’re not stored in pots or the ground, meaning they’re much less likely to become damaged or infected, while they’re less vulnerable to various pests. Numerous nutrients, water and oxygen is absorbed into the roots through the air.
Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA)
This is a fatty acid neurotransmitter, derived from arachidonic acid. Anandamide is a form of endocannabinoid, naturally occurring and found in the brain, as a brain lipid, binding with cannabinoid receptors as part of the endocannabinoid system.
Anandamide is known to regulate behaviours, while the name originates from Sanskrit, with ananda translating to ‘bliss’, so it should be little surprise it’s also found in chocolate.Beta-caryophyllene
A spicy terpene produced by some cannabis varieties
Bioavailability is the measure of which a certain substance will enter the systemic circulation. Bioavailability is very important when it comes to dosages for various drugs, to understand how much of a substance can be absorbed by your body.
Different consumption methods of CBD can result in different levels of bioavailability, hence the highlighting of sublingual consumption on product instructions.
Broad Spectrum
You will see a number of CBD oil’s or other CBD based products labelled as ‘broad spectrum’, which highlights that it contains other cannabinoids other than CBD, as well as other aspects form the plant such as terpenes and flavonoids, however it doesn’t contain THC.
Broad spectrum is considered the middle ground between full spectrum and an isolate.Cannabichromene (CBC)
A phytocannabinoid found in cannabis that may be anti-inflammatory
Cannabidiol (CBD)
CBD is a phytocannabinoid found in cannabis. CBD is the 2nd most common cannabinoid in marijuana, however the CBD present in the CBD oils sold across the world is derived from industrial hemp rather than cannabis, so that the THC levels will be lower.
CBD is non-psychotoxic, while it has taken centre stage in the cannabis industry, however it is simply one of more than 113 phytocannabinoids we’re aware of.
Cannabigerol (CBG)
Cannabigerol is a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, normally the second most prevalent in broad spectrum CBD oil’s behind CBD, however it’s still considered a minor cannabinoid. Nicknamed the ‘mother of all cannabinoids’ due to the acidic form CBG-A being the precursor for CBD, CBC and THC (as well as CBG).
Due to the increase in demand for CBG, many farmers are working on genetic manipulation of the hemp plant to try and generate greater levels of CBG.
Compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors, including endocannabinoids produced by humans and animals, phytocannabinoids produced by cannabis and a few other plants, and synthetic cannabinoids
Cannabinol (CBN)
A phytocannabinoid produced by the degradation of THC
CB1 receptor
A cannabinoid receptor located primarily in the central nervous system
CB2 receptor
A cannabinoid receptor located primarily in the peripheral tissues of the immune system, the gastrointestinal system, the peripheral nervous system, and elsewhere
A term for a plant type, including cannabis, that produces a distinct combination of chemical compounds
the separation of a mixture by passing it through a medium in which the component move at different rates
a plant variety produce in cultivation through selective breeding
Cannabis is a plant, most commonly grown in China, India and the United States, but with a heavily increasing farm base.
There are three plants that come under this umbrella term, which are cannabis sativa, cannabis indica and cannabis ruderalis.Both hemp and marijuana are forms of cannabis, with the difference being the presence of THC in the plant.
An edible CBD product is one that can be orally consumed and is metabolised in the liver. This most commonly consists of a gummy, or some form of candy, however it can come in a number of other forms, such as chewing gum, chocolates, honey, nut butter, cookies, brownies, protein balls, popcorn or mints.
These ready-made edibles will contain cannabis, but you will have to read the lab report for details on the cannabinoid breakdown. These can be made from home or bought from a company that creates them.
Endocannabinoid system (ECS)
a system of neuromodulator chemicals and their receptors throughout the body, involved in the regulation of appetite, pain, mood, and memory
Entourage effect
the synergistic pharmacological effects that emerge through cannabinoid and terpene interaction
First-pass effect
a phenomenon where the concentration of a drug is greatly reduced through metabolism before reaching systemic circulation
Full Spectrum
Full spectrum refers to the fact that they’ve kept all aspects of the plant present, meaning you should get the full range of cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes that were present in the plant.
This also means you will get THC, however as most full spectrum CBD products in the world can only be sold if levels of THC are below a certain figure, this means the full spectrum product will most likely be derived from industrial hemp, so it won’t get you ‘high’.
Specific characteristics of a plant, which are controlled by gene expression
low-THC content cannabis used for producing fiber, usually with higher concentrations of CBD than THC
A term commonly used to refer to broad-leaf cannabis varieties
A third party lab test is a quality check by an official laboratory to ensure the stated quantities of ingredients are actually accurate.
Also known as the certificate of analysis, these can be commonly found on the product page on a website, or via a QR code on the side of the packaging on a CBD product.A CBD based product lab report will contain the cannabinoid profile, however other aspects may also be included, such as whether any heavy metals or pesticides are present, as well as the terpene profile.
A citrus-smelling terpene produced by some cannabis varieties
A spicy, floral terpene produced by some cannabis varieties
MCT, or medium chain triglyceride oil, is a fat source with a different molecular form to normal fats, which are long-chain, making them easier to digest.
Derived from coconuts and often found in coconut oil or palm kernel oil, MCT is utilised as a carrier oil in CBD oil’s to help increase the bioavailability.
These clean energy sources are found commonly in the wellbeing sector, thanks to their ability to provide your body with a boost of energy while also offering fat loss benefits.
A sedating terpene produced by some cannabis varieties.
A fruity, floral terpene produced by some cannabis varieties
The distinct characteristics of an individual plant resulting from the interaction between a plant’s genotype and it’s surrounding environment
Phytocannabinoids are cannabinoids produced and naturally occurring in the cannabis plant. More than 113 Phyto cannabinoids are known to be present in cannabis, with some of the most well-known being CBD, CBG and THC.
These phytocannabinoids interact with receptors in the human brain via the endocannabinoid system.
the measure of how cannabis and other drugs affect the mind, mood, or other mental states
a term commonly used to refer to narrow-leaf cannabis varieties
Terpenoids or terpenes are class of aromatic compounds, produced by plants as a defensive method to prevent pests from approaching, as well as attracting pollinators such as bees or butterflies.
When you smell cannabis and instantly recognise the scent, that’s the terpenes at work, however they’re also believed to have relaxing and stress-relief benefits.
There are over 100 terpenes present in the cannabis plant, including the likes of myrcene, limonene, linalool and caryophyllene.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or delta-9-THC
the principle phytocannabinoid of the cannabis plant, responsible for much of the plant’s psychoactivity