CBD: Facts vs Myths

Myth #1: It is extremely addictive

One of the most popular misconceptions about cannabinoids is that it is addictive, primarily because of the stigma associated with marijuana. For this reason, you may find that some people are hesitant to try CBD-infused products because it is extracted from the marijuana plant and marijuana is considered a ‘gateway drug.’

The Fact: Of course, this is just a myth, especially as the ‘gateway drug theory’ has many shortcomings. Moreover, scientific studies have shown that CBD is not addictive at all. The World Health Organization reported that, when subjected to the potential for abuse tests, cannabidiol exhibited results similar to placebo substances.

Myth #2: It can make you high

A huge reason for the stigma attached to CBD is the misinformed opinion that it can make you high. 

The Fact: The truth is, cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. This means that it does not have mind-altering effects. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that this cannabinoid is non-psychoactive. So, CBD does not get you high, but what does it do? What it can actually do is give you an energy and creativity boost. It also does not give you couch-lock as it does not have sedative effects, making it perfect for daytime use too.

Myth #3: It can only be extracted from marijuana

Perhaps another aspect of the stigma around CBD is the misconception that it can only be extracted from marijuana, resulting in many people avoiding it. 

The Fact: Marijuana is a variety of the cannabis plant. This type is known for its abundant tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. Another variety of cannabis is hemp (scientific name: Cannabis sativa L.), a CBD-rich type. Hemp has extremely low THC levels, around 0.3% or less, and contains high amounts of fiber, making this plant good for medicinal and industrial purposes.

Myth #4: It is useful properties are newly discovered

With the recent change to the legal status of CBD, many people are of the opinion that we are only now beginning to unravel the usefulness and mysteries of this herb. 

The Fact: Humans have been using this plant for one thing or another since ancient times. Our ancestors had a variety of applications for this plant, from religious rites and the arts to industrial materials and folk medicine. In fact, even Jesus is believed to have used cannabis for spiritual purposes. The term Keneh Bosem refers to a plant from which the anointing oil was extracted. Later, Keneh Bosem was found to be the miracle plant, cannabis.

Myth #5: It only impacts minor occurrences

Individuals who refuse to see the uses of CBD might minimize the advantages of using this cannabinoid. They may claim that this compound is only good for minor things, implying that its legalization should not be treated as a priority. 

The Fact: Studies show that this chemical compound may be able to help create a balance.

Myth #6: It is Completely Illegal

While the legalization of marijuana has been creating a major buzz not only locally but globally, many people still think that it is illegal to possess. Likewise, some enthusiasts might be under the impression that there are no regulations surrounding this plant. 

The Fact: As to whether or not cannabis is legal will depend on where you are in the world. On the federal level, cannabis remains illegal in the US. However, the majority of the states have now legalized MMJ and, to some extent recreational, use of this herb. In fact, 33 US states permit the use of MMJ and 10 of those also allow it for recreational purposes. Unfortunately, three US states have maintained the complete ban on cannabis and cannabinoids such as CBD.

How to Get Your Hands on CBD

Now that we have dispelled some of the myths surrounding cannabidiol, you might be interested in trying cannabidiol-infused products for yourself. If this is the case, here are some tips you need to know:

  • Check your state’s laws: Checking your state’s laws is perhaps the most important tip to heed before you get your CBD products. Make sure that using, possessing, and distributing these items is legal, and if so, how much you are allowed to have on your person and in your place of residence.

  • Look for a reputable source: To ensure your safety, make sure that you source your CBD products from a reputable seller. Your local, licensed dispensary is your best bet when it comes to buying and even consulting about these products.

  • Find the perfect product for you: Lastly, you want to get products that you are comfortable using. If you are not into smoking, perhaps you might want to try vaping or consuming cannabidiol through edibles. You can also give topicals a try.

Misinformation has been a powerful tool to advocate against Hemp. With more knowledge about this plant and its uses, you will be armed with the right information to safely and properly use CBD to your advantage.