CBD and Homeostasis
If you’ve sifted through numerous articles on CBD, you’ve unquestionably come across the term homeostasis, but what does this mean and how does CBD come into the equation? We cover all of this below.
What Is Homeostasis?
Homeostasis is the self-regulating ability to maintain a relatively stable internal condition. This involves the bodies biological systems working to ensure an ideal internal condition for variables such as temperature and water levels.
Maintaining this balanced environment is incredibly important for all species survival. If you get too warm, your body will send signals to sweat in order to cool you down.
When you’re ill, your lymphatic system by ensuring your body fluids are balanced and helping to fight off any infection.
Breathing is an involuntary consistent action, while the nervous system makes sure you breath the pertinent amount so that you obtain the right amount of oxygen.
If you’ve ever been on holiday and you’ve had a dodgy tummy from something you ate, this is the body trying to rid the dangerous substance you’ve consumed by removing it via the digestive system, helping to restore homeostasis.
These are all examples of how our bodies are constantly trying to ensure a state of homeostasis, however this is also present in animals and in plants.
Why Does This Relate To CBD?
Within the body, we have an endocannabinoid system, which is a cell signalling system responsible for regulating various physiological functions such as pain or digestion, to ensure homeostasis.
Endocannabinoids are cannabinoids your body generates, which are produced when there is some form of imbalance.
They then interact with the relevant cannabinoid receptor, which are commonly found in either the central nervous system or the immune system.
Sometimes the body is incapable of producing the required amount of endocannabinoids, which is when you have an imbalance in your body, homeostasis is no longer achieved, meaning health conditions can occur.
Phytocannabinoids, which means a plant based cannabinoid, interact with the endocannabinoid system, helping to promote homeostasis.
Rather than binding with the CB1 and CB2 receptors, like THC or other cannabinoids, CBD can trigger, impede or provoke the receptors.
Some interesting studies have shown how CBD can activate the TRPV-1 receptor, encourage synthesis of 2-AG and impede the signalling of GPR55, amongst the list of ways in which it helps to achieve homeostasis.
Achieving Homeostasis
It is important to achieve homeostasis in the body, meaning a balanced internal state, to have a health body.
Thanks to the endocannabinoid system, CBD can help us achieve this level of balance by influencing the functions of the receptors.
You have natural levels of endocannabinoids in the body that will try to ensure equilibrium, however as your body might not have enough to solve internal issues, cannabinoids can be utilised to help restore balance.